Our work is based on building meaningful, enduring, and respectful relationships across different cultures. We cannot do this without a strong commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion.Therefore, we are a non-discriminatory community group.

Our vision is to have a fair and inclusive organizational culture that achieves openness, by effectively and efficiently supporting everyone in need of our services through continuous and consistent high standards and values based on open, committed, inclusive and with a deep sense of optimism. Our community activities are open to all, and we invite people to join us at our community center when we carry out our weekly activities.

Our desire for building a more equal society is reflected a strategic, intentional, joined up and flexible approach to equality as reflected in our geographical and cultural diversity.

We priorities the following main areas:
• age
• disability
• ethnicity/race
• gender
• religion or belief
• sexual orientation, and
• socio-economic background as a cross cutting area

By prioritizing the above, we pride our equality and diversity policy as we give due regard to key aspects exclusivity approach and the use our resources effectively. For further information on our inclusive activities, please look at our projects and events section.